Linens are the finishing touch of both elegance and the art of hospitality.
Custom made, they will elevate your dining experience to the next level of sophistication and be a perfect match to a beautiful china.
For dream nights, the delicate addition of a monogram will enhance our designs which can all be altered and customised.
This exceptional XVIIth century craftsmanship, unique in the market, paves the road to luxury and sophistication and embodies the ultimate refinement.
For inquiries regarding custom projects, please reach out to us and include images of your interior(s) such as wallpaper, china etc., so we can add these bespoke details to your linens which will make it so special & personal to the person who lives in it… Beyond bed & table linens, we can also hand-embroider armchairs, headboards, curtains etc.
You have inspiration. We have the expertise to bring your designs to life. Remember luxury is in the details: they make all the difference, and turn an interior into an elegant home.
Our services
Artisanal embroidery, custom creations, and exclusive at-home training in the care of household linens.
Hand embroidery
Custom creations
At-home linen care training